How to get approved on peopleperhour com?

how to get approved on peopleperhour

Are you eager to kickstart your freelancing journey on peopleperhour Getting worried about How to get approved on PeoplePerHour on this platform can feel daunting, but with the right strategies, you can make a lasting impression. Whether you’re new to freelancing or a seasoned pro, this guide is packed with actionable tips to help you secure that approval.

1. Crafting a Profile That Wows

Your profile is your first shot at making an impression. Think of it as your professional introduction, and make sure every section is filled out.

a) Upload a Professional Photo

Your profile picture is essential. Use a high-quality, professional-looking photo. Avoid casual images; clients trust profiles with formal and business-appropriate photos.

b) Write a Clear, Keyword-Optimized Headline

Your headline should immediately tell potential clients what you offer. Use targeted keywords to increase visibility. For example:

c) Craft a Persuasive Bio

Your bio is the heart of your profile. It should communicate your experience, skills, and how you can help clients achieve their goals. Keep it concise and focused on the value you bring.

“As an SEO content writer with 5 years of experience, I help businesses improve their online presence by delivering high-quality, optimized content that ranks.”

Pro Tip: Use a professional headshot. Trust me, your vacation selfie isn’t the way to go here.

Real-Life Story: John, a graphic designer, faced rejection due to a vague profile. After adding specific details about his work and showcasing his skills, he was approved in just two days! It’s all about being clear on what you bring to the table

What to Include in Your Bio:

Hi, I’m amna, a seo expert with 5 years of experience helping businesses and individuals with online growth. Whether you need [specific work, e.g., graphic design, content writing], I’m here to bring your vision to life with high-quality results.

2. Building a Portfolio That Speaks for You

how you can help clients achieve their goals. Keep it concise and focused on the value you bring.

Your portfolio should be filled with your best work, whether it’s past client projects or high-quality sample work. If you’re a writer, upload articles or blog posts. If you’re a designer, showcase logos, web designs, and branding materials.

a) Create Sample Work if Necessary

Don’t worry if you’re new and don’t have many paid projects yet. Create mock projects to display your skills.

4. Add Certifications and Education

Any relevant courses, degrees, or certifications will strengthen your profile. Even short online courses related to your field can add credibility.

Your portfolio is proof of your skills and can set you apart from the competition. You don’t need a massive collection of work; focus on quality over quantity. If you’re new, create a few mock projects to demonstrate your capabilities.

Pro Tip: Curate your portfolio to reflect the services you want to offer on PeoplePerHour. This targeted approach showcases your expertise effectively.

Real-Life Story: Sarah was rejected because her portfolio lacked focus. After honing in on tech writing, she got approved within a week!

👉 Read more on how to build a killer portfolio here.

Write a Detailed and Customized Application

Your application to PeoplePerHour should be well-thought-out and free from errors. When applying, make sure to:

  • Highlight your unique skills.
  • Avoid generic phrases.
  • Keep it professional, yet friendly.

3. Acing the Skill Tests

peopleperhour com enhances your profile’s appeal. Passing these tests shows potential clients and the platform that you’re proficient in your field.

Pro Tip: Focus on skill tests that align with your core services. Verifying your skills builds trust with clients and increases your chances of approval.

Submit Your Profile and Be a Patient

After completing all the necessary steps, submit your profile for review. The approval process may take a few days, so stay patient and keep an eye on your email for any updates.

Improve and Resubmit if Rejected

If your profile is rejected, don’t get discouraged. PeoplePerHour will provide feedback on why it wasn’t approved. Make the necessary improvements and resubmit.

Pro Tips to Boost Your Approval Chances

  1. Focus on Niche Keywords
    Use targeted keywords like “Freelance Web Designer,” “SEO Content Writer,” or “Virtual Assistant for Social Media” to increase your profile’s visibility.
  2. Highlight Unique Skills
    What sets you apart? Focus on what makes you unique. For example, are you bilingual or have experience in a niche industry? Highlight these strengths.
  3. Keep Your Profile Updated
    Frequent updates to your portfolio, skills, and bio will keep your profile fresh and relevant to potential clients.
  4. Be Honest About Your Skills
    Avoid exaggerating your abilities. It’s better to be truthful and deliver high-quality work than to over-promise and under-deliver.

4. Writing Proposals That Get Noticed

Crafting compelling proposals is crucial for securing gigs. Keep your proposals concise and client-focused. Highlight what you can do for them rather than listing your credentials.

Sample Proposal:

Hi [Client’s Name],

I’m excited about your project! With over [X years] of experience in [related field], I can help you achieve [specific goal]. Here’s how I’d approach it: [briefly mention your solution]. Looking forward to discussing further!

[Your Name]

5. 2023 and 2024 peopleperhour com Approval Process: What’s New?

Here’s what’s changed recently in the approval process:

  • Manual Profile Reviews: Profiles are now reviewed manually, so you may receive feedback on areas to improve.
  • Identity Verification: Keep your identification documents handy; PeoplePerHour now requires ID verification.
  • Specialization Matters: Niche-specific profiles are more likely to get approved over generalist profiles.

Fresh Tip: If you face rejection, don’t panic! Use the feedback to enhance your profile before reapplying.


Why was my profile rejected? Most profiles get rejected for being incomplete or too general. Focus on making your profile specific to your niche.

Can I reapply? Yes! If your profile is rejected, you can reapply after addressing the feedback you received.

What’s the quickest way to stand out? Specializing in a particular field helps. Instead of being a jack-of-all-trades, showcase one or two areas where you excel, and back it up with your portfolio and skills.

Author Bio

Hi there! I’m amna, a freelance expert with over 5 years of experience in platforms like PeoplePerHour, Fiverr, and Upwork. I’ve guided numerous freelancers in optimizing their profiles and landing gigs, and I’m passionate about sharing my insights. Let’s connect and kickstart your freelancing journey together!


Getting approved on PeoplePerHour requires a professional and complete profile, attention to detail, and an understanding of what clients are looking for. By following the steps in this guide, you’ll increase your chances of standing out and securing that all-important approval. Once approved, you can start bidding on projects and build a successful freelance career.

Ready to join PeoplePerHour? Optimize your profile today and take the first step toward freelancing success!

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